The Willlowbrook Mead Primary Academy Council

The Academy Council is made up of volunteers (known as academy councillors) who commit their time to work alongside the leadership team of the school to play an important part in raising school standards.

The Academy Council holds the Principal and school senior leadership team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.

The Academy Council meets regularly to achieve these functions and other responsibilities. The academy councillors also visit the school to ensure they understand what is happening and to monitor and evaluate the impact of actions.

Academy councillors can be contacted through the school. Any parent or staff councillor vacancies are advertised through the school communication systems and, if necessary, a ballot takes place to elect the new councillor.

The TMET website has further information on governance in the Trust.

Governance Information

Scheme of Delegation

The Academy Council operates under a Scheme of Delegation agreed by the TMET Trust Board. To view our current scheme please click here.

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