Through our music curriculum, children are exposed to a broad enriched curriculum. They have a firm understanding of what music is by listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing. Children have a wide range of activities/resources to motivate and capture each individuals personal interest. The children not only learn about music but become musicians who are able to perform using their new skills which can be seen at the end of each unit and during music assemblies. Children are exposed to a wide variety of different genres which change each week to listen and appraise.

Our music curriculum that builds character. Children are encouraged to express themselves physically and emotionally which is evident during assemblies and performances, something we pride ourselves on.

Our music curriculum helps children to make a positive contribution. Children have the opportunity to use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs to a wide audience. Children are encouraged to play and perform, developing their accuracy, control and expression.

Our music curriculum ensures that children are knowledgeable, skilled and ready. Children are starting to understand how music is created through our carefully planned curriculum. Each key stage covers the same unit throughout the year building on key skills/knowledge as they progress throughout the year. Whilst at Willowbrook, children have the opportunity to learn an instrument, building on key skills (performing, improvising, composing and listening) and knowledge.

Our Music scheme

We use the Leicestershire music scheme which involves 6 units that teach the children key skills and knowledge.

Unit 1- Pulse

Unit 2- Voice

Unit 3- Rhythm

Unit 4- Pitch

Unit 5- Technology, structure and Form

Unit 6- 20th Century music


Our Year 3 and 4 children take part in weekly drumming lessons taught my an external teacher. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to develop their music skills and this is celebrated and shared with parents.

The drumming medium term plan is shown here

Music Tuition

Children have the opportunity to have one-to-one lessons, learning to play the keyboard/guitar. Children develop a love of music by learning how to play some of their favourite songs, building their confidence to play to an audience at the end of each term.

Children’s performances

Watch our children involved in the Leicestershire Music school concert at Demontfort Hall

Subject Champion

Miss V Gordon