At Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy, we believe that RE is important for all pupils as it promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We follow the Agreed Syllabus designed by the Local Authority which encourages children to ask questions and deepen thinking.
We highlight the importance of the fundamental British Values: rule of law; individual liberty democracy; mutual respect; and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Pupils learn about Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. As we are a school of diverse faiths, we celebrate some of the major festivals that take place throughout the year. Each year group prepares an item to perform to the rest of the school on the Monday nearest to the festival date.
Collective worship is delivered three times a week whereby children can reflect and think about what is ultimately important in life. For some year groups Kath (from the local church) will lead collective worship sessions. During Christmas time, all children take part in a Christmas celebration at the local church delivered by the priest.
Examples of our work
Subject Policies/Plans
Whole School Overview RE LTP
RE Subject Intent
R.E skills progression
RE policy
Subject Champion/s
Miss V Gordon